The more you learn about mental health, the better chance you give yourself to have good mental health.

Many times, I’ve found myself burned out from the stress of my daily life, and it’s only when I found myself at the brink of disaster did it stop to take a break.
Self-care Is Therapy
Therapy isn’t just going to a counsellor in an office, it’s the small acts of self-love you do daily.
I’ve always been the type to push myself to the max then try to do a relaxing activity when I absolutely could take no more. Lately, I’ve found myself trying to incorporate these relaxing activities in my daily life to try to avoid burn out. This has resulted in a happier, more relaxed me. These are aspects of self—care/self-love I would have discussed with my therapist, that I previously did not understand to be therapy. Self-care comes in many forms. I’ll share with you what they are and how I use them.
Some Aspects Are Harder Than Others
Psychological self-care has been one of the hardest for me, just exercising my ability to say “No,” because something didn’t benefit my wellbeing has been a struggle. The simple act of saying “No” can do so much to relieve your stress.
I’ve been re-engaging in artistic pursuits, reading more, writing, singing and trying to learn as much as in can about things that interest me. The thing I’ve found the hardest is accepting compliments, but I’m working on it. When someone pays me a compliment, I try to think about what they saw and try to see it too. I reflect and analyse my thoughts, my attitude and feelings towards my experiences and try to learn from them. The more I do this the better my moods are, and the more reed I feel.
Work For What You Want
I’ve been feeling a lot lately. Emotions aren’t something I usually allow myself to experience or even to analyse. I just always judged myself for my feelings and tried to push them down. My journey to accepting my emotions was difficult but it has gotten easier the more I practice just feeling. I’ve been intentional about what I do and that has been such a blessing. I allow myself to do things I enjoy, walking on the beach, gazing at the sunset, cooking, baking and I’ve been kind to myself. I have changed my screen saver and background image to empowering quotes, I try to find something about myself that I love each day and I’ve started back writing poetry. This is how I show myself emotional self-care and It has made my life better.
Physical self-care spans many areas, getting physical exercise, binge-watching your favourite, series, getting dressed up, treating yourself, to a make-over, massage, buying and eating healthier foods. These are all examples of things that can improve your physical wellbeing and improve your mental health and how you feel about yourself. For me, I catch up on Hallmark movies weekly, take photos of the sunset, and try to stay physically active. Recently at an iMart sale, I was able to buy E.L.F cosmetic products for $2. As trivial as some may sound, they do a lot to help me manage my stress and improve my feelings.
Professional self-care isn’t what it sounds like. It may conjure an image of sitting in a therapist's office, but it isn't. It’s finding time to relax and chat with school, school, church or work colleagues. It’s making your workspace yours, adding your personal touch, or finding a quiet area at that place where you just go to chill and feel. It’s having hobbies that help you to find joy in your day. For me, I chill under the stairs at school and I’m learning how to shop and cook exotic foods on a budget.
Spirituality Has Its Role
Embrace your spirit and listen to what feels right.
You don’t have to be religious to be spiritual so spiritual self-care is something everyone can engage in. It’s connecting with your inner self and understanding your spirit. For me I like volunteering, helping others and giving back brings me joy. I go to the sea, watch motivational/ inspirational videos. These are the things that make me feel good, but for you, it may be something different.
Strike A Balance
Finding a balance in all areas of your life is a goal we all may be striving for. Yet we must acknowledge that some stress is necessary for life, but not all and we need to do what we can to eliminate the ones we don’t need in the interest of self-love, self-care and seeking good mental health.
The less critical we are of ourselves and the more willing we are to embrace our true selves will lead to happier, healthier versions of us. While these are admiral goals, don’t pressure yourself too much…after all, this is about releasing stress and anxiety. So, find something that works for you and give it your best shot. We all deserve to be happy!